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- readVSAdata
- mergeArrayData
- F/D/T
- gauss
- lebedev
- S/W/G
- S/T/C
- W/G/C
- S/F/E
- M/F
- R/F/I
- P/D/C
- I/T/C
- makeMTX
- makeIR
- visual3D
- Coordinate System
- Application Examples
- Example 1
- Example 2
- Example 3
- Example 4
- Example 5
- Example 6
- Example 7
- Example 8
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SOFiA Plane Wave Decomposition Core
SOFiA P/D/C is a plane wave decomposition and beamforming core. P/D/C can deliver plane wave outputs for a whole vector of angles (array look directions) at the same time. The core natively does a plane wave decomposition but can be switched to a beamformer using the c,,n,, coefficients. The c,,n,, coefficients can be defined as a vector n=0...N for constant directivity beamforming or as a matrix for frequency-dependent beamshaping. The decomposer is normalized, a plane wave of unity magnitude will always deliver an output of 0dB in look direction.
Name |
Type |
Purpose |
Default |
N |
int |
Maximum decomposition |
- |
OmegaL |
float mtx |
Array look direction (AZ1 EL1; AZ2 EL2;...AZn ELn) in RAD Refer to Coordinate System |
- |
Pnm |
complex float mtx |
Spatial Fourier coefficients from S/T/C |
- |
dn |
complex float mtx |
Radial Filter coefficients from M/F |
- |
cn |
complex float vec or mtx |
Optinal: Beamshaping coefficients (CD or kr-dependent) |
- |
Name |
Type |
Purpose |
Y |
complex float mtx |
Spectral FFT data |
Where Ynm describes the Spherical Harmonics of order n and modus m.
File |
Type |
OS/Matlab |
sofia_pdc.m |
Help header |
All OS |
sofia_pdc.mexmaci64 |
MEX Core |
OS-X Intel |
sofia_pdc.mexw32 |
MEX Core |
Windows, MATLAB32 |
sofia_pdc.mexw64 |
MEX Core |
Windows, MATLAB64 |
sofia_pdc.cpp |
C/C++ source |
All OS |
Y = sofia_pdc(N, OmegaL, Pnm, dn, [cn])
Y |
MxN Matrix of the decomposed wavefield
Col - Look Direction as specified in OmegaL
Row - kr bins
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
N |
Decomposition Order |
OmegeL |
Look Directions (Vector)
Col - L1, L2, ..., Ln
Row- AZn ELn |
Pnm |
Spatial Fourier Coefficients from SOFiA S/T/C |
dn |
Modal Array Filters from SOFiA M/F |
cn |
(Optional) Weighting Function
Can be used for N = 0...N weigths:
Col - n...N
Row - 1
Or n(f)...N(f) weigths:
Col - n...N
Row - kr bnis
If cn is not specified a PWD will be done |
*/ |
The P/D/C core involves Bessel and Hankel functions provided by the peer-reviewed BOOST C++ Math Library under the BOOST Software License. |