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- Example 1
- Example 2
- Example 3
- Example 4
- Example 5
- Example 6
- Example 7
- Example 8
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SOFiA application example 6
In this example we generate an ideal full audio spectrum unity plane wave of order N=5 impinging to a rigid sphere array using I/W/G. We render impulse responses for two different pwd directions - the first one is exactly aligned towards the wave, the other one aims to one side. A rejection of >20dB can be observed for the second one.
Run `sofiaAE6.m`.
% SOFiA example 6: Impulse response reconstruction on a simulated ideal unity plane wave.
% SOFiA Version : R11-1220
clear all
% Generate a full audio spectrum plane wave using I/W/G
Nwave = 5;Wave order
r = 1; % Array radius
ac = 2; % Array configuration: 2-Rigid Sphere
FS = 48000; % Sampling Frequency
NFFT = 1024; % FFT-Bins
AZ = 0; % Azimuth angle
EL = pi/2; % Elevation Angle
[Pnm, kr] = sofia_wgc(Nwave, r, ac, FS, NFFT, AZ, EL);
% Make radial filters
Nrf = Nwave; % radial filter order
dn = sofia_mf(Nrf, kr, ac);
% Running a plane wave decomposition for different look directions
Npdc = Nwave; % Decomposition orde
OmegaL = [0 pi/2; pi/2 pi/2]; Looking towards the wave and to one side
Y = sofia_pdc(Npdc, OmegaL, Pnm, dn);
impulseResponses = sofia_makeIR(Y);
% Reconstruct impulse responses
subplot(1, 2, 1)
title('Impulse response');
axis([-200 NFFT -0.2 1.2])
grid on
% Plot results (Spectra)
spectrum = abs(fft('impulseResponses'));
fscale = FS/2*linspace(0,1,NFFT/2+1);
subplot(1; 2; 2)
xlabel('Frequency in Hz');
axis([50 20000 -60 30)
grid on
*/ |