Home > SUpDEq-v5.0.0 > supdeq_eq.m



% SUpDEq - Spatial Upsampling by Directional Equalization


function [eqHRTFdataset, HRTF_equalized_L, HRTF_equalized_R] = supdeq_eq(sparseHRTFdataset, eqDataset, N, samplingGrid, tikhEps, phaseOnly)


% SUpDEq - Spatial Upsampling by Directional Equalization

 function [eqHRTFdataset, HRTF_equalized_L, HRTF_equalized_R] = supdeq_eq(sparseHRTFdataset, eqDataset, N, samplingGrid, tikhEps, phaseOnly)

 This function performs the equalization of a sparse HRTF dataset (in
 SH-domain / stored as SH-coefficients) with the pre-defined eqDataset
 (dataset for equalization in SH-domain / stored as SH-coefficients). The
 result, the eqHRTFdataset, is the equalized counterpart of the input HRTF
 dataset, stored as SH-coefficients. Transform order N of the
 eqHRTFdataset is set to the maximum order with respect to the sparse
 sampling grid. For example, a lebedev grid with 86 nodes has Nmax = 7.

 eqHRTFdataset         - Struct with the equalized HRTF dataset as
                         SH-coefficients for the left (Hl_nm) and 
                         right (Hr_nm) channel/ear, equalized HRTFs
                         for the left (HRTF_L) and right (HRTF_R) ear,
                         absolute frequency scale f, transform order N, 
                         and FFToversize
 HRTF_equalized_L/R    - Equalized complex HRTFs (single-sided spectrum)

 sparseHRTFdataset     - Struct with sparse HRTF dataset in frequency
                         domain ('normal' HRTFs...). Struct needs to
                         provide HRTF_L/HRTF_R, the samplingGrid, and Nmax
 eqDataset             - Struct with equalization dataset as 
                         SH-coefficients. Can be the output of 
 N                     - Transform order N
 samplingGrid          - Spatial sampling grid (Q x 2 or Q x 3 matrix), 
                         where the first column holds the azimuth, 
                         the second the elevation (both in degree), and
                         optionally the third the sampling weights.
                         Azimuth in degree
                         (0=front, 90=left, 180=back, 270=right)
                         (0 points to positive x-axis, 90 to positive y-axis)
                         Elevations in degree
                         (0=North Pole, 90=front, 180=South Pole)
                         (0 points to positive z-axis, 180 to negative z-axis)
 tikhEps               - Define epsilon of Tikhonov regularization if
                         regularization should be applied
                         Applying the Tikhonov regularization will always result 
                         in a least-square fit solution for the SH transform. 
                         Variable 'transformCore' is neglected when 'tikhEps' is 
                         defined as the regularized least-square spherical Fourier 
                         transform is applied directly without any third party 
                         Default: 0 (no Tikhonov regularization)
 phaseOnly             - Set to 1 if only phase response of eqDataset
                         should be applied for equalization and not 
                         the magnitude response too
                         Default: 0 (equalize with magnitude and phase)

 Dependencies: SOFiA toolbox, AKTools
 (C) 2018/2019 by  JMA, Johannes M. Arend
                   CP,  Christoph Pörschmann
                   TH Köln - University of Applied Sciences
                   Institute of Communications Engineering
                   Department of Acoustics and Audio Signal Processing


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 %% SUpDEq - Spatial Upsampling by Directional Equalization
0002 %
0003 % function [eqHRTFdataset, HRTF_equalized_L, HRTF_equalized_R] = supdeq_eq(sparseHRTFdataset, eqDataset, N, samplingGrid, tikhEps, phaseOnly)
0004 %
0005 % This function performs the equalization of a sparse HRTF dataset (in
0006 % SH-domain / stored as SH-coefficients) with the pre-defined eqDataset
0007 % (dataset for equalization in SH-domain / stored as SH-coefficients). The
0008 % result, the eqHRTFdataset, is the equalized counterpart of the input HRTF
0009 % dataset, stored as SH-coefficients. Transform order N of the
0010 % eqHRTFdataset is set to the maximum order with respect to the sparse
0011 % sampling grid. For example, a lebedev grid with 86 nodes has Nmax = 7.
0012 %
0013 % Output:
0014 % eqHRTFdataset         - Struct with the equalized HRTF dataset as
0015 %                         SH-coefficients for the left (Hl_nm) and
0016 %                         right (Hr_nm) channel/ear, equalized HRTFs
0017 %                         for the left (HRTF_L) and right (HRTF_R) ear,
0018 %                         absolute frequency scale f, transform order N,
0019 %                         and FFToversize
0020 % HRTF_equalized_L/R    - Equalized complex HRTFs (single-sided spectrum)
0021 %
0022 % Input:
0023 % sparseHRTFdataset     - Struct with sparse HRTF dataset in frequency
0024 %                         domain ('normal' HRTFs...). Struct needs to
0025 %                         provide HRTF_L/HRTF_R, the samplingGrid, and Nmax
0026 % eqDataset             - Struct with equalization dataset as
0027 %                         SH-coefficients. Can be the output of
0028 %                         supdeq_getEqDataset.
0029 % N                     - Transform order N
0030 % samplingGrid          - Spatial sampling grid (Q x 2 or Q x 3 matrix),
0031 %                         where the first column holds the azimuth,
0032 %                         the second the elevation (both in degree), and
0033 %                         optionally the third the sampling weights.
0034 %                         Azimuth in degree
0035 %                         (0=front, 90=left, 180=back, 270=right)
0036 %                         (0 points to positive x-axis, 90 to positive y-axis)
0037 %                         Elevations in degree
0038 %                         (0=North Pole, 90=front, 180=South Pole)
0039 %                         (0 points to positive z-axis, 180 to negative z-axis)
0040 % tikhEps               - Define epsilon of Tikhonov regularization if
0041 %                         regularization should be applied
0042 %                         Applying the Tikhonov regularization will always result
0043 %                         in a least-square fit solution for the SH transform.
0044 %                         Variable 'transformCore' is neglected when 'tikhEps' is
0045 %                         defined as the regularized least-square spherical Fourier
0046 %                         transform is applied directly without any third party
0047 %                         toolbox.
0048 %                         Default: 0 (no Tikhonov regularization)
0049 % phaseOnly             - Set to 1 if only phase response of eqDataset
0050 %                         should be applied for equalization and not
0051 %                         the magnitude response too
0052 %                         Default: 0 (equalize with magnitude and phase)
0053 %
0054 % Dependencies: SOFiA toolbox, AKTools
0055 %
0056 % (C) 2018/2019 by  JMA, Johannes M. Arend
0057 %                   CP,  Christoph Pörschmann
0058 %                   TH Köln - University of Applied Sciences
0059 %                   Institute of Communications Engineering
0060 %                   Department of Acoustics and Audio Signal Processing
0062 function [eqHRTFdataset, HRTF_equalized_L, HRTF_equalized_R] = supdeq_eq(sparseHRTFdataset, eqDataset, N, samplingGrid, tikhEps, phaseOnly)
0064 if nargin < 5 || isempty(tikhEps)
0065     tikhEps = 0;
0066 end
0068 if nargin < 6 || isempty(phaseOnly)
0069     phaseOnly = 0;
0070 end
0072 %Get fs
0073 fs = sparseHRTFdataset.f(end)*2;
0075 %Transform eqDataset to Fourier domain at sparse sampling grid points
0076 %(inverse spherical Fourier transform)
0077 fprintf('Extracting %d eq transfer functions. This may take some time...\n',size(samplingGrid,1));
0078 [eqTF_L,eqTF_R] = supdeq_getArbHRTF(eqDataset,samplingGrid,[],[],'ak'); %Use AKtools...
0079 fprintf('%d eq transfer functions extracted...\n',size(samplingGrid,1))
0081 if phaseOnly    
0082     fprintf('Phase only equalization...\n')
0083     %Get only phase response of eqTF
0084     eqTF_L_phase = angle(eqTF_L);
0085     eqTF_R_phase = angle(eqTF_R);
0086     eqTF_L_mag = ones(size(eqTF_L,1),size(eqTF_L,2));
0087     eqTF_R_mag = ones(size(eqTF_R,1),size(eqTF_R,2));
0088     eqTF_L = eqTF_L_mag.*exp(1i*eqTF_L_phase);
0089     eqTF_R = eqTF_R_mag.*exp(1i*eqTF_R_phase);
0090 end
0092 %Perform equalization (division in frequency domain)
0093 HRTF_equalized_L = zeros(size(samplingGrid,1),length(eqDataset.f));
0094 HRTF_equalized_R = zeros(size(samplingGrid,1),length(eqDataset.f));
0095 for kk = 1:size(samplingGrid,1)
0096     HRTF_equalized_L(kk,:)=sparseHRTFdataset.HRTF_L(kk,:)./eqTF_L(kk,:);
0097     HRTF_equalized_R(kk,:)=sparseHRTFdataset.HRTF_R(kk,:)./eqTF_R(kk,:); 
0099     if ~mod(kk,10)
0100         fprintf('%d of %d HRTFs equalized...\n',kk,size(samplingGrid,1))
0101     end
0102 end
0104 % Transform equalized HRTFs to SH-domain
0105 fprintf('Performing spherical Fourier transform with N = %d. This may take some time...\n',N);
0106 eqHRTFdataset = supdeq_hrtf2sfd(HRTF_equalized_L,HRTF_equalized_R,N,samplingGrid,fs,'ak',tikhEps); %Use AKtools...
0107 eqHRTFdataset.HRTF_L = HRTF_equalized_L;
0108 eqHRTFdataset.HRTF_R = HRTF_equalized_R;
0109 eqHRTFdataset.FFToversize = sparseHRTFdataset.FFToversize;
0110 eqHRTFdataset.eqEarDistance = eqDataset.earDistance;
0111 eqHRTFdataset.eqWaveType = eqDataset.waveType;
0112 if eqDataset.waveType == 1
0113     eqHRTFdataset.sourceDistance = eqDataset.sourceDistance;
0114 end
0115 if phaseOnly
0116     eqHRTFdataset.phaseOnly = 1;
0117 end
0118 if isfield(eqDataset,'limited')
0119     if eqDataset.limited
0120         eqHRTFdataset.limited = true;
0121         eqHRTFdataset.limitInfo = eqDataset.limitInfo;
0122     end
0123 end
0124 fprintf('Done with equalization...\n');
0126 end

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