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% SUpDEq - Spatial Upsampling by Directional Equalization


This is a script file.


% SUpDEq - Spatial Upsampling by Directional Equalization
 script supdeq_demo

 This script presents the SUpDEq processing and a basic technical
 evaluation of the final (de-equalized) dense HRTF dataset

 C. Pörschmann*, J.M. Arend*, and F. Brinkmann, "Directional Equalization 
 of Sparse Head-Related Transfer Function Sets for Spatial Upsampling," 
 IEEE/ACM Trans. Audio, Speech, Lang. Process., vol. 27, no. 6, 
 pp. 1060?1071, 2019, *These authors contributed equally to this work.

 (C) 2018 by JMA, Johannes M. Arend
             TH Köln - University of Applied Sciences
             Institute of Communications Engineering
             Department of Acoustics and Audio Signal Processing


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 %% SUpDEq - Spatial Upsampling by Directional Equalization
0002 %
0003 % script supdeq_demo
0004 %
0005 % This script presents the SUpDEq processing and a basic technical
0006 % evaluation of the final (de-equalized) dense HRTF dataset
0007 %
0008 % Reference:
0009 % C. Pörschmann*, J.M. Arend*, and F. Brinkmann, "Directional Equalization
0010 % of Sparse Head-Related Transfer Function Sets for Spatial Upsampling,"
0011 % IEEE/ACM Trans. Audio, Speech, Lang. Process., vol. 27, no. 6,
0012 % pp. 1060?1071, 2019, *These authors contributed equally to this work.
0013 %
0014 % (C) 2018 by JMA, Johannes M. Arend
0015 %             TH Köln - University of Applied Sciences
0016 %             Institute of Communications Engineering
0017 %             Department of Acoustics and Audio Signal Processing
0019 %% (1) - Load reference HRTF dataset (stored as SH-coefficients in spherical harmonics domain)
0020 %See small script "get_HRIRs_sfd_N35.m" in materials folder to see how the
0021 %dataset was obtained based on the "HRIR_L2702.sofa" HRIR dataset of a
0022 %Neumann KU100 dummy head. The reference dataset is only needed for
0023 %comparison with the final de-equalized dataset...
0024 referenceHRTFdataset = importdata('HRIRs_sfd_N35.mat');
0026 %% (2) - Load sparse HRTF dataset (stored as FFT-bins in Fourier domain)
0027 %This is just an example. You could use any sparse HRTF dataset here! Also
0028 %have a look at the script "get_sparse_HRTF_set.m" in materials folder to
0029 %see how the sparse datasets are obtained.
0031 %Here, we use a sparse HRTF daset with only 38 sample points (Lebedev grid)
0032 %The sampling grid as well as the highste possible transform oder N are
0033 %required for the equalization! It is saved in the struct here, but it
0034 %could also be passed separately to the function "subdeq_eq"
0035 load('sparseHRTFdataset_L38.mat');
0037 %Optionally, a sparse HRIR dataset in SOFA format can be loaded. With the
0038 %function supdeq_sofa2hrtf, the SOFA file will be transformed to
0039 %frequency domain and saved in a struct as used by the SUpDEq toolbox
0040 %(compare to the structs 'sparseHRTFdataset'). FFToversize and Nmax have to
0041 %be defined manually now, because SOFA does not support such meta data.
0042 %Furthermore, the sampling grid in SOFA does not support sampling weights,
0043 %which can be useful for spherical Fourier / SH transform. Thus, optionally
0044 %a sampling grid with weigths can be passed, which will than be stored in
0045 %the struct. Otherwise, the sampling grid stored in the SOFA file will be
0046 %written to the HRTF struct.
0047 SOFAinput = false;
0048 if SOFAinput
0049     %Load sparse HRIR dataset in SOFA format
0050     sparseHRIRdataset_SOFA = SOFAload('sparseHRIRdataset_L38.sofa');
0051     %Transform to sparseHRTFdataset struct with pre-defined samplingGrid
0052     %(Lebedev grid with 38 nodes here), Nmax = 4, and FFToversize = 4.
0053     sparseHRTFdataset = supdeq_sofa2hrtf(sparseHRIRdataset_SOFA,4,supdeq_lebedev(38),4);
0054 end
0056 %% (3) - Get equalization dataset (SH-coefficients)
0057 %The eqDataset describes the sound pressure distribution on a sphere
0058 %Use defaults: N = 35, earDistance = 0.165m, NFFT = 512, fs = 48000;
0059 eqDataset = supdeq_getEqDataset;
0061 %% (4) - Perform equalization
0062 %Here, the sparse HRTF dataset is equalized with the eqDataset. The
0063 %equalized HRTF are transformed to the SH-domain again with the maximal
0064 %order N which is possible with the sparse sampling grid.
0065 %N and the sparse sampling grid are part of the sparseHRTFdataset struct
0066 sparseSamplingGrid = sparseHRTFdataset.samplingGrid;
0067 Nsparse = sparseHRTFdataset.Nmax;
0069 eqHRTFdataset = supdeq_eq(sparseHRTFdataset,eqDataset,Nsparse,sparseSamplingGrid);
0071 %% (5) - Perform de-equalization
0072 %Here, the sparse equalized HRTF dataset is de-equalized with the
0073 %deqDataset. This is done on a dense spatial sampling grid. The results is a
0074 %dense HRTF/HRIR dataset. In this case, deqDataset is the same as the
0075 %eqDataset...
0077 %First, define dense spatial sampling grid. Here, we use the lebedev grid
0078 %with 2702 points again (same as the reference HRIR dataset).
0079 %The highest stable grid order here is N = 44. However, we use N = 35 for the
0080 %spherical Fourier transform of the de-equalized HRTFs.
0081 denseSamplingGrid = supdeq_lebedev(2702);
0082 Ndense = 35;
0084 %Perform de-equalization. Apply head and tail window (8 and 32 samples
0085 %respectively) to de-equalized HRIRs/HRTFs.
0086 [denseHRTFdataset, denseHRIRdataset, denseHRTFdataset_sh] = supdeq_deq(eqHRTFdataset, eqDataset, Ndense, denseSamplingGrid,[8,32]);
0088 %% (6) - Optional: Save as SOFA object
0089 %Use defaults: fs = 48000, earDistance = 0.165m, sourceDistance = 3.0m
0090 denseHRIRdataset_SOFA = supdeq_writeSOFAobj(denseHRIRdataset.HRIR_L,denseHRIRdataset.HRIR_R,denseSamplingGrid);
0092 %% (7) - Optional: Plot HRIRs
0093 %Get HRIRs from reference dataset and de-equalized dense dataset. In this
0094 %example, we chose a lateral source, because most differences between the
0095 %reference and the de-equalized HRIRs occure at the contralateral ear.
0096 azPlot = 90;
0097 elPlot = 90;
0098 [hrir_ref(:,1),hrir_ref(:,2)] = supdeq_getArbHRIR(referenceHRTFdataset,[azPlot,elPlot]);
0099 [hrir_deq(:,1),hrir_deq(:,2)] = supdeq_getArbHRIR(denseHRTFdataset_sh,[azPlot,elPlot]);
0101 %Plot left and right channel of reference and deq set in two plots with
0102 %32 x FFT oversampling
0103 supdeq_plotIR(hrir_ref(:,1),hrir_deq(:,1),[],[],32);
0104 supdeq_plotIR(hrir_ref(:,2),hrir_deq(:,2),[],[],32);
0106 %% (8) - Optional: Listen to the results
0107 %Here, you can listen to a short drums sequence, spatialized with a
0108 %reference HRIR and a de-equalized HRIR
0110 %Load drums test signal
0111 [testSignal,fsTestSignal] = audioread('drums.wav');
0113 %Define az and el for playback
0114 azPlayback = 30;
0115 elPlayback = 90;
0117 %Convolve with reference HRIR and play back
0118 supdeq_listen(referenceHRTFdataset,testSignal,[azPlayback,elPlayback]);
0119 %Wait for length of test-signal
0120 pause(length(testSignal)/fsTestSignal+0.05);
0121 %Convolve with de-equalized HRIR and play back
0122 supdeq_listen(denseHRTFdataset_sh,testSignal,[azPlayback,elPlayback]);
0124 %% (9) - Optional: Technical Evaluation
0126 %Perform test of sagittal plane localization with default spatial sampling
0127 %grid
0128 spLocalization = supdeq_testSPlocalization(denseHRTFdataset_sh, referenceHRTFdataset);
0130 %Perform test of horizontal plane localizatoin with default spatial
0131 %sampling grid
0132 hpLocalization = supdeq_testHPlocalization(denseHRTFdataset_sh, referenceHRTFdataset);
0134 %Calculate spectral differences with default spatial sampling grid and
0135 %make simple plot
0136 specDifferences = supdeq_calcSpectralDifference(denseHRTFdataset_sh, referenceHRTFdataset,[],[],false,true);
0138 %Calculate spectral differences in auditory bands with default spatial
0139 %sampling grid and make simple plot
0140 specDifferences_auditoryBands = supdeq_calcSpectralDifference(denseHRTFdataset_sh, referenceHRTFdataset,[],[],true,true);
0142 %Calculate energy per order N and make simple plot
0143 energyPerOrder = supdeq_calcEnergyPerOrder(denseHRTFdataset_sh,true);

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