Home > SUpDEq-v5.0.0 > supdeq_writeSOFAobj_SSR.m



% SUpDEq - Spatial Upsampling by Directional Equalization


function SOFAobj = supdeq_writeSOFAobj_SSR(HRIR_L, HRIR_R, viewDirections, fs, earDistance, sourceDistance)


% SUpDEq - Spatial Upsampling by Directional Equalization
 function SOFAobj = supdeq_writeSOFAobj_SSR(HRIR_L, HRIR_R , viewDirections, fs, earDistance, sourceDistance)

 This function can be used to generate a SOFA object based on a
 pre-defined spherical grid and the corresponding HRIRs for the 
 SoundScape Renderer (SSR) Version 'Hornhack'. This SSR Version can read
 SOFA files. The grid is defined as a BRIR grid in ListenerViewDirections, 
 the source position is defined as [0 0 0]. To keep it short, its a hack
 that works...

 SOFAobj according to the SOFA convention "SimpleFreeFieldHRIR" but with
 coordinates and data which can be used for BRIR rendering in the
 Specific attributes and metadata can be added manually afterwards.
 Use SOFAsave to save SOFA object with specific filename.

 HRIR_L/R      - 2D Array [N X M] with
                 N = Sample point on spherical grid, M = Samples per IR, 
                 Example: HRIR_L/R with dimensions [2702x256]--> 2702
                 HRIRs (according to samplingGrid with 2702 points) with
                 256 samples per HRIR
 viewDirections- 2D Array [AZ x EL] with
                 AZ = Azimuth, EL = Elevation in degree [DEG]!
 fs            - Sampling rate 
                 Default: 48000
 earDistance   - earDistance of the receiver, only needed for HRIRs/BRIRs
                 Two receivers (=ears) on a head with radius H (in meter): ReceiverPosition=[0 -H 0; 0 +H 0].
                 Default: 0.165
 sourceDistance- Distance between receiver and source. Only important for
                 measurement-based SOFA files (HRIRs/BRIRs/Array-IRs).
                 Default: 3.00 m - In the far field...

 Dependencies: SOFA API

 SOFA conventions - https://www.sofaconventions.org/mediawiki/index.php/SOFA_conventions

 Standardized SOFA conventions
 Standardized SOFA conventions are those which have been standardized by the AES. As with AES69-2015, we have:
 GeneralFIR: General convention with FIR as DataType (no restrictions but DataType)
 GeneralTF: General convention with TF as DataType (no restrictions but DataType)
 SimpleFreeFieldHRIR: Free-field HRTFs stored as impulse responses, measured with an omnidirectional source for a single listener.
 Note: Any modification in one of these conventions changes its status to "stable", i.e., not standardized anymore, unless the modification will be approved the AES.

 Stable SOFA conventions
 Stable SOFA conventions are those for which SOFA files are publicly available and can be read/modified by at least one publicly available software package.
 GeneralFIRE: General convention with FIRE as DataType (no restrictions but DataType).
 SimpleHeadphoneIR: Conventions to store headphone IRs recorded for each emitter and each ear, single listener and no directionality of emitter/receiver considered.
 SimpleFreeFieldTF: as SimpleFreeFieldHRIR, but uses TF as DataType covering special needs coming from HRTF simulations.
 SimpleFreeFieldSOS: as SimpleFreeFieldHRIR, but uses SOS as DataType (second-order sections) covering special needs coming from HRTF rendering.
 SingleRoomDRIR: directional room impulse responses (DRIRs) measured with an arbitrary number of receivers (such as a microphone array) and an omnidirectional source in a single room.
 MultiSpeakerBRIR: binaural room impulse responses (BRIRs) measured with an arbitrary number of emitters (such as a loudspeaker array).
 These conventions, when used often and widely, can be proposed for standardization to the AES.

 Proposed SOFA conventions
 SimpleBRIR: Binaural room impulse responses measured with an omnidirectional source in a single reverberant space. Somebody wanted to have this, but the work stopped at the moment.

 (C) 2018 by JMA, Johannes M. Arend
             TH Köln - University of Applied Sciences
             Institute of Communications Engineering
             Department of Acoustics and Audio Signal Processing


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 %% SUpDEq - Spatial Upsampling by Directional Equalization
0002 %
0003 % function SOFAobj = supdeq_writeSOFAobj_SSR(HRIR_L, HRIR_R , viewDirections, fs, earDistance, sourceDistance)
0004 %
0005 % This function can be used to generate a SOFA object based on a
0006 % pre-defined spherical grid and the corresponding HRIRs for the
0007 % SoundScape Renderer (SSR) Version 'Hornhack'. This SSR Version can read
0008 % SOFA files. The grid is defined as a BRIR grid in ListenerViewDirections,
0009 % the source position is defined as [0 0 0]. To keep it short, its a hack
0010 % that works...
0011 %
0012 % Output:
0013 % SOFAobj according to the SOFA convention "SimpleFreeFieldHRIR" but with
0014 % coordinates and data which can be used for BRIR rendering in the
0015 % SSR_Hornhack.
0016 % Specific attributes and metadata can be added manually afterwards.
0017 % Use SOFAsave to save SOFA object with specific filename.
0018 %
0019 % Input:
0020 % HRIR_L/R      - 2D Array [N X M] with
0021 %                 N = Sample point on spherical grid, M = Samples per IR,
0022 %                 Example: HRIR_L/R with dimensions [2702x256]--> 2702
0023 %                 HRIRs (according to samplingGrid with 2702 points) with
0024 %                 256 samples per HRIR
0025 % viewDirections- 2D Array [AZ x EL] with
0026 %                 AZ = Azimuth, EL = Elevation in degree [DEG]!
0027 % fs            - Sampling rate
0028 %                 Default: 48000
0029 % earDistance   - earDistance of the receiver, only needed for HRIRs/BRIRs
0030 %                 Two receivers (=ears) on a head with radius H (in meter): ReceiverPosition=[0 -H 0; 0 +H 0].
0031 %                 Default: 0.165
0032 % sourceDistance- Distance between receiver and source. Only important for
0033 %                 measurement-based SOFA files (HRIRs/BRIRs/Array-IRs).
0034 %                 Default: 3.00 m - In the far field...
0035 %
0036 % Dependencies: SOFA API
0037 %
0038 % SOFA conventions - https://www.sofaconventions.org/mediawiki/index.php/SOFA_conventions
0039 %
0040 % Standardized SOFA conventions
0041 % Standardized SOFA conventions are those which have been standardized by the AES. As with AES69-2015, we have:
0042 % GeneralFIR: General convention with FIR as DataType (no restrictions but DataType)
0043 % GeneralTF: General convention with TF as DataType (no restrictions but DataType)
0044 % SimpleFreeFieldHRIR: Free-field HRTFs stored as impulse responses, measured with an omnidirectional source for a single listener.
0045 % Note: Any modification in one of these conventions changes its status to "stable", i.e., not standardized anymore, unless the modification will be approved the AES.
0046 %
0047 % Stable SOFA conventions
0048 % Stable SOFA conventions are those for which SOFA files are publicly available and can be read/modified by at least one publicly available software package.
0049 % GeneralFIRE: General convention with FIRE as DataType (no restrictions but DataType).
0050 % SimpleHeadphoneIR: Conventions to store headphone IRs recorded for each emitter and each ear, single listener and no directionality of emitter/receiver considered.
0051 % SimpleFreeFieldTF: as SimpleFreeFieldHRIR, but uses TF as DataType covering special needs coming from HRTF simulations.
0052 % SimpleFreeFieldSOS: as SimpleFreeFieldHRIR, but uses SOS as DataType (second-order sections) covering special needs coming from HRTF rendering.
0053 % SingleRoomDRIR: directional room impulse responses (DRIRs) measured with an arbitrary number of receivers (such as a microphone array) and an omnidirectional source in a single room.
0054 % MultiSpeakerBRIR: binaural room impulse responses (BRIRs) measured with an arbitrary number of emitters (such as a loudspeaker array).
0055 % These conventions, when used often and widely, can be proposed for standardization to the AES.
0056 %
0057 % Proposed SOFA conventions
0058 % SimpleBRIR: Binaural room impulse responses measured with an omnidirectional source in a single reverberant space. Somebody wanted to have this, but the work stopped at the moment.
0059 %
0060 % (C) 2018 by JMA, Johannes M. Arend
0061 %             TH Köln - University of Applied Sciences
0062 %             Institute of Communications Engineering
0063 %             Department of Acoustics and Audio Signal Processing
0065 function SOFAobj = supdeq_writeSOFAobj_SSR(HRIR_L, HRIR_R, viewDirections, fs, earDistance, sourceDistance)
0067 if nargin < 4 || isempty(fs)
0068     fs = 48000;
0069 end
0071 if nargin < 5 || isempty(earDistance)
0072     earDistance = 0.165;
0073 end
0075 if nargin < 6 || isempty(sourceDistance)
0076     sourceDistance = 3.00;
0077 end
0079 %Write IRs 3D Array
0080 IRs = cat(3,HRIR_L',HRIR_R');
0082 if size(IRs,2) ~= size(viewDirections,1)
0083     error('Number of IRs must match number to number of sampling grid points!');
0084 end
0087 %%
0088 %Write SOFA file
0089 disp('Writing "SimpleFreeFieldHRIR" SOFA object for SSR Hornhack.');
0091 %Get empty SOFA object
0092 SOFAobj = SOFAgetConventions('SimpleFreeFieldHRIR');
0094 %Get number of grid points
0095 nPoints = size(viewDirections,1);
0097 %Transform grid to SOFA format
0098 viewDirections(:,2) = 90-viewDirections(:,2);
0100 %Fill obj with data
0101 SOFAobj.Data.IR = IRs(:,:,1); %Channel1 - Left
0102 SOFAobj.Data.IR(:,:,2) = IRs(:,:,2); %Channel2 - Right
0103 SOFAobj.Data.IR = shiftdim(SOFAobj.Data.IR,1); % convert from [N M R] to [M R N]
0104 SOFAobj.Data.SamplingRate = fs;
0105 %Fill the mandatory variables (0 -radius 0; 0 radius 0)
0106 SOFAobj.ReceiverPosition = [0 -earDistance/2 0; 0 earDistance/2 0];  
0107 SOFAobj.ListenerPosition = [0 0 0];
0108 SOFAobj.ListenerUp = [0 0 1];
0109 SOFAobj.ListenerUp_Type = 'cartesian';
0110 SOFAobj.ListenerUp_Units = 'metre';
0111 SOFAobj.ListenerView = [1 0 0];
0112 SOFAobj.ListenerView = [...
0113             viewDirections(:,1) ... % AZ in DEG
0114             viewDirections(:,2) ... % EL in DEG
0115             sourceDistance*ones(nPoints,1)];   % nPoints source distance in m
0116 SOFAobj.ListenerView_Type = 'spherical';
0117 SOFAobj.ListenerView_Units = 'degree, degree, metre';       
0118 SOFAobj.SourcePosition = [0 0 0];
0119 SOFAobj.SourcePosition_Type = 'spherical';
0120 SOFAobj.SourcePosition_Units = 'degree, degree, metre';
0122 %Update dimensions
0123 SOFAobj=SOFAupdateDimensions(SOFAobj);
0125 disp('Done...');
0126 end

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