Home > SUpDEq-v5.0.0 > supdeq_start.m



% SUpDEq - Spatial Upsampling by Directional Equalization


This is a script file.


% SUpDEq - Spatial Upsampling by Directional Equalization

 script supdeq_start

 Running this script will add all required paths and install SOFA, 
 if not previously installed on your system. 

 (C) 2018 by JMA, Johannes M. Arend
             TH Köln - University of Applied Sciences
             Institute of Communications Engineering
             Department of Acoustics and Audio Signal Processing


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 %% SUpDEq - Spatial Upsampling by Directional Equalization
0002 %
0003 % script supdeq_start
0004 %
0005 % Running this script will add all required paths and install SOFA,
0006 % if not previously installed on your system.
0007 %
0008 % (C) 2018 by JMA, Johannes M. Arend
0009 %             TH Köln - University of Applied Sciences
0010 %             Institute of Communications Engineering
0011 %             Department of Acoustics and Audio Signal Processing
0013 %%
0014 % Start script from AKtools, copied and edited with permission from
0015 % Fabian Brinkmann, Audio Communication Group, TU Berlin
0017 % -------- check if third party tools are already installed outside supdeq
0018 installed.AK        = false;
0019 installed.auditory  = false;
0020 installed.SOFA      = false;
0021 installed.SOFiA     = false;
0023 if exist('AKsht', 'file')
0024     if ~strfind(which('AKsht'), 'SUpDEq')
0025         installed.AK = true;
0026     end
0027 end
0028 if exist('MakeERBFilters', 'file')
0029     if ~strfind(which('MakeERBFilters'), 'SUpDEq')
0030         installed.auditory = true;
0031     end
0032 end
0033 if exist('SOFAload', 'file')
0034     if ~strfind(which('SOFAload'), 'SUpDEq')
0035         installed.SOFA = true;
0036     end
0037 end
0038 if exist('sofia_itc', 'file')
0039     if ~strfind(which('sofia_itc'), 'SUpDEq')
0040         installed.SOFiA = true;
0041     end
0042 end
0044 % ----------------------------------------------------------- add all paths
0045 addpath(pwd, '-end')
0046 addpath(genpath(fullfile(pwd,'evaluation')), '-end')
0047 addpath(genpath(fullfile(pwd,'materials')), '-end')
0048 addpath(genpath(fullfile(pwd,'thirdParty')), '-end')
0050 % add SOFA correctly using the start script (try if the silent option works)
0051 try
0052     run(fullfile(pwd, 'thirdParty', 'SOFA_API', 'API_MO', 'SOFAstart(''silent'')'))
0053 catch %#ok<CTCH>
0054     run(fullfile(pwd, 'thirdParty', 'SOFA_API', 'API_MO', 'SOFAstart'))
0055 end
0057 % - remove third party tools if they were already installed outside supdeq
0058 if installed.AK
0059     rmpath(genpath(fullfile(pwd, 'thirdParty', 'AKtools')))
0060 end
0061 if installed.auditory
0062     rmpath(genpath(fullfile(pwd, 'thirdParty', 'amtoolbox-full-0.9.9')))
0063 end
0064 if installed.SOFA
0065     rmpath(genpath(fullfile(pwd, 'thirdParty', 'sofa-api-mo-1.0.2')))
0066 end
0067 if installed.SOFiA
0068     rmpath(genpath(fullfile(pwd, 'thirdParty', 'SOFiA R13_MIT-License')))
0069 end
0071 % --------------------------------------------------------- show the output
0072 fprintf('\n\n')
0073 disp('*******************************************************************')
0074 disp('***** SUpDEq - Spatial Upsampling by Directional Equalization *****')
0075 disp('*******************************************************************')
0076 disp('**                                                               **')
0077 disp('**        (C) Christoph Pörschmann and Johannes M. Arend         **')
0078 disp('**             TH Köln - University of Applied Sciences          **')
0079 disp('**            Institute of Communications Engineering            **')
0080 disp('**      Department of Acoustics and Audio Signal Processing      **')
0081 disp('**          Betzdorfer Str. 2, D-50679 Cologne, Germany          **')
0082 disp('**                                                               **')
0083 disp('**           Run supdeq_demo now to test the toolbox...          **')
0084 disp('**                                                               **')
0085 disp('*******************************************************************')
0086 disp('***** SUpDEq - Spatial Upsampling by Directional Equalization *****')
0087 disp('*******************************************************************')
0088 fprintf('\n\n')
0090 clear installed
0092 % ----------------------------------------------- check matlab dependencies
0093 toolboxes = {'Signal Processing Toolbox';
0094              'Signal_Toolbox'};
0096 for tt = 1:size(toolboxes, 2)
0097     if ~license('test', toolboxes{2,tt})
0098         warning('SUpDEq:MatlabToolboxes', ['SUpDEq needs the ' toolboxes{1,tt} ' which is currently not installed. This might limit the functionality of SUpDEq.'])
0099     end
0100 end
0102 clear tt toolboxes

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