Home > SUpDEq-v5.0.0 > supdeq_getEqTF.m



% SUpDEq - Spatial Upsampling by Directional Equalization


function [eqTF_L, eqTF_R] = supdeq_getEqTF(eqDataset,samplingGrid,mode,channel,transformCore,phaseOnly)


% SUpDEq - Spatial Upsampling by Directional Equalization

 function [eqTF_L, eqTF_R] = supdeq_getEqTF(eqDataset,samplingGrid,mode,channel,transformCore,phaseOnly)

 This function returns an equalization transfer function (separately for the left/right ear) 
 for an arbitrary direction, based on interpolation in the SH-domain and inverse 
 spherical Fourier transform.

 eqTF_L / R    - Result of ISFT in Fourier domain (single-sided complex
                 spectrum). Equalization transfer function (e.g., 
                 rigid sphere transfer function) for L/R channel at each 
                 spatial sampling point

 eqDataset     - Struct with equalization dataset as SH-coefficients. 
                 Can be the output of supdeq_getEqDataset.
 samplingGrid  - Spatial sampling grid (Q x 2 matrix), where the first 
                 column holds the azimuth and the second the
                 elevation (both in degree).
                 Azimuth in degree (0=front, 90=left, 180=back, 270=right)
                 (0 points to positive x-axis, 90 to positive y-axis)
                 Elevations in degree (0=North Pole, 90=front, 180=South Pole)
                 (0 points to positive z-axis, 180 to negative z-axis)
 mode          - 'DEG' or 'RAD' (radiant or degree).
                 Default: 'DEG'
 channel       - Integer with 0, 1, or 2
                 0 - Only left channel
                 1 - Only right channel
                 Default: 2 - Both channels (stereo)
 transformCore - String to define method to be used for the inverse 
                 spherical Fourier transform. 
                 'sofia - sofia_itc from SOFiA toolbox
                 'ak'   - AKisht from AKtools 
                 The results are exactly the same, but AKisht is faster 
                 with big sampling grids
                 Default: 'sofia'
 phaseOnly     - Set to 1 if eqTF_L/R should only contain the phase response 
                 of eqDataset (allpass-fitlers) and not the magnitude response too
                 Default: 0 (eqTF_L/R with magnitude and phase)

 Dependencies: SOFiA toolbox, AKtools

 Reference: -

 (C) 2020 by JMA, Johannes M. Arend
             TH Köln - University of Applied Sciences
             Institute of Communications Engineering
             Department of Acoustics and Audio Signal Processing


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 %% SUpDEq - Spatial Upsampling by Directional Equalization
0002 %
0003 % function [eqTF_L, eqTF_R] = supdeq_getEqTF(eqDataset,samplingGrid,mode,channel,transformCore,phaseOnly)
0004 %
0005 % This function returns an equalization transfer function (separately for the left/right ear)
0006 % for an arbitrary direction, based on interpolation in the SH-domain and inverse
0007 % spherical Fourier transform.
0008 %
0009 % Output:
0010 % eqTF_L / R    - Result of ISFT in Fourier domain (single-sided complex
0011 %                 spectrum). Equalization transfer function (e.g.,
0012 %                 rigid sphere transfer function) for L/R channel at each
0013 %                 spatial sampling point
0014 %
0015 % Input:
0016 % eqDataset     - Struct with equalization dataset as SH-coefficients.
0017 %                 Can be the output of supdeq_getEqDataset.
0018 % samplingGrid  - Spatial sampling grid (Q x 2 matrix), where the first
0019 %                 column holds the azimuth and the second the
0020 %                 elevation (both in degree).
0021 %                 Azimuth in degree (0=front, 90=left, 180=back, 270=right)
0022 %                 (0 points to positive x-axis, 90 to positive y-axis)
0023 %                 Elevations in degree (0=North Pole, 90=front, 180=South Pole)
0024 %                 (0 points to positive z-axis, 180 to negative z-axis)
0025 % mode          - 'DEG' or 'RAD' (radiant or degree).
0026 %                 Default: 'DEG'
0027 % channel       - Integer with 0, 1, or 2
0028 %                 0 - Only left channel
0029 %                 1 - Only right channel
0030 %                 Default: 2 - Both channels (stereo)
0031 % transformCore - String to define method to be used for the inverse
0032 %                 spherical Fourier transform.
0033 %                 'sofia - sofia_itc from SOFiA toolbox
0034 %                 'ak'   - AKisht from AKtools
0035 %                 The results are exactly the same, but AKisht is faster
0036 %                 with big sampling grids
0037 %                 Default: 'sofia'
0038 % phaseOnly     - Set to 1 if eqTF_L/R should only contain the phase response
0039 %                 of eqDataset (allpass-fitlers) and not the magnitude response too
0040 %                 Default: 0 (eqTF_L/R with magnitude and phase)
0041 %
0042 % Dependencies: SOFiA toolbox, AKtools
0043 %
0044 % Reference: -
0045 %
0046 % (C) 2020 by JMA, Johannes M. Arend
0047 %             TH Köln - University of Applied Sciences
0048 %             Institute of Communications Engineering
0049 %             Department of Acoustics and Audio Signal Processing
0051 function [eqTF_L, eqTF_R] = supdeq_getEqTF(eqDataset,samplingGrid,mode,channel,transformCore,phaseOnly)
0053 if nargin < 3 || isempty(mode)
0054     mode = 'DEG';
0055 end
0057 if nargin < 4 || isempty(channel)
0058     channel = 2;
0059 end
0061 if nargin < 5 || isempty(transformCore)
0062     transformCore = 'sofia';
0063 end
0065 if nargin < 6 || isempty(phaseOnly)
0066     phaseOnly = 0;
0067 end
0069 %Get angles
0070 az = samplingGrid(:,1);
0071 el = samplingGrid(:,2);
0073 %SOFiA needs RAD
0074 if strcmp(transformCore,'sofia')
0075     if strcmp(mode,'DEG')
0076         az = az*pi/180;
0077         el = el*pi/180;
0078     end
0079 end
0081 %AK needs DEG
0082 if strcmp(transformCore,'ak')
0083     if strcmp(mode,'RAD')
0084         az = az*180/pi;
0085         el = el*180/pi;
0086     end
0087 end
0089 %Check range
0090 if sum(az < 0) > 0 || sum(el < 0) > 0
0091     error('Only positive azimuth/elevation values allowed!');
0092 end
0094 %% Perform transform
0096 %Transform eqDataset to Fourier domain at sparse sampling grid points
0097 %(inverse spherical Fourier transform)
0098 [eqTF_L,eqTF_R] = supdeq_getArbHRTF(eqDataset,samplingGrid,mode,channel,transformCore);
0100 if phaseOnly    
0101     %fprintf('Phase only eqTFs...\n')
0102     %Get only phase response of eqTF
0103     eqTF_L_phase = angle(eqTF_L);
0104     eqTF_R_phase = angle(eqTF_R);
0105     eqTF_L_mag = ones(size(eqTF_L,1),size(eqTF_L,2));
0106     eqTF_R_mag = ones(size(eqTF_R,1),size(eqTF_R,2));
0107     eqTF_L = eqTF_L_mag.*exp(1i*eqTF_L_phase);
0108     eqTF_R = eqTF_R_mag.*exp(1i*eqTF_R_phase);
0109 end
0111 end

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