Home > SUpDEq-v5.0.0 > materials > get_sparse_HRTF_set_Equiangular.m



% SUpDEq - Spatial Upsampling by Directional Equalization


This is a script file.


% SUpDEq - Spatial Upsampling by Directional Equalization

 script get_sparse_HRTF_set_Gauss

 Just a small script to show how to get a sparse HRTF dataset based on the
 reference HRTF dataset 'HRIRs_sfd_Nx' or 'HRIRs_NF150_sfd_Nx'.
 Field sourceDistance is used if available. Important for DVF (distance
 variation function) processing with 'HRIRs_NFxxx' as reference.

 (C) 2018 by JMA, Johannes M. Arend
             TH Köln - University of Applied Sciences
             Institute of Communications Engineering
             Department of Acoustics and Audio Signal Processing


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 %% SUpDEq - Spatial Upsampling by Directional Equalization
0002 %
0003 % script get_sparse_HRTF_set_Gauss
0004 %
0005 % Just a small script to show how to get a sparse HRTF dataset based on the
0006 % reference HRTF dataset 'HRIRs_sfd_Nx' or 'HRIRs_NF150_sfd_Nx'.
0007 % Field sourceDistance is used if available. Important for DVF (distance
0008 % variation function) processing with 'HRIRs_NFxxx' as reference.
0009 %
0010 % (C) 2018 by JMA, Johannes M. Arend
0011 %             TH Köln - University of Applied Sciences
0012 %             Institute of Communications Engineering
0013 %             Department of Acoustics and Audio Signal Processing
0015 %%
0016 clear all;
0017 %Load reference dataset
0018 referenceHRTFdataset = importdata('HRIRs_sfd_N35.mat');
0020 %Simply do subsampling of the referenceHRTFdataset
0021 %Define spatial order
0022 nSparse = 35;
0023 %Get sparse sampling grid
0024 [sparseGrid, ~, NmaxSparse] = supdeq_equiangular(nSparse);
0026 %% Create HRTF dataset as mat file (for internal use)
0027 %Get HRTFs from referenceHRTFdataset
0028 [sparseHRTFdataset.HRTF_L, sparseHRTFdataset.HRTF_R] = supdeq_getArbHRTF(referenceHRTFdataset,sparseGrid);
0029 %Fill struct with additional info
0030 sparseHRTFdataset.f = referenceHRTFdataset.f;
0031 sparseHRTFdataset.Nmax = NmaxSparse;
0032 sparseHRTFdataset.FFToversize = referenceHRTFdataset.FFToversize;
0033 sparseHRTFdataset.samplingGrid = sparseGrid;
0034 if isfield(referenceHRTFdataset,'sourceDistance')
0035     sparseHRTFdataset.sourceDistance = referenceHRTFdataset.sourceDistance;
0036 end
0038 % Save as mat file
0039 fileName = ['sparseHRTFdataset_E',num2str(nSparse)];
0040 save(fileName,'sparseHRTFdataset')
0042 %% Create HRIR dataset in SOFA format (for standardized input format)
0043 %Get HRIRs from referenceHRTFdataset
0044 [sparseHRIRdataset.HRIR_L, sparseHRIRdataset.HRIR_R] = supdeq_getArbHRIR(referenceHRTFdataset,sparseGrid);
0045 % Write SOFA object
0046 if isfield(referenceHRTFdataset,'sourceDistance')
0047     %Get source distance if is field
0048     sparseHRIRdataset_SOFA = supdeq_writeSOFAobj(sparseHRIRdataset.HRIR_L',sparseHRIRdataset.HRIR_R',sparseGrid(:,1:2),[],[],referenceHRTFdataset.sourceDistance);
0049 else
0050     % %Use defaults: fs = 48000, earDistance = 0.165m, sourceDistance = 3.0m
0051     sparseHRIRdataset_SOFA = supdeq_writeSOFAobj(sparseHRIRdataset.HRIR_L',sparseHRIRdataset.HRIR_R',sparseGrid(:,1:2));
0052 end
0054 % Save as SOFA file
0055 fileName = ['sparseHRIRdataset_E',num2str(nSparse),'.sofa'];
0056 SOFAsave(fileName,sparseHRIRdataset_SOFA)

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