Home > SUpDEq-v5.0.0 > evaluation > supdeq_calcSpectralDifference_HRIR.m



% SUpDEq - Spatial Upsampling by Directional Equalization


function results = supdeq_calcSpectralDifference_HRIR( testHRIRdataset, referenceHRIRdataset, fs, FFToversize, filterMode, plotResults)


% SUpDEq - Spatial Upsampling by Directional Equalization

 function results = supdeq_calcSpectralDifference_HRIR( testHRIRdataset, referenceHRIRdataset, fs, FFToversize, filterMode, plotResults)

 This function calculates the spectral differences between a test and a 
 reference HRTF dataset at given spatial sampling points

 results               - Results struct with spectral difference per
                         frequency and sampling point in dB (20*log10)
                         (specDifferencePerPoint), spectral 
                         difference averaged over all spatial sampling 
                         points in dB (specDifference) as well 
                         as mean of specDifference in dB 
                         --> Spectral difference averaged over all 
                         spatial sampling points and frequencies
                         (meanSpecDifference). Additionally, 
                         meanSpecDifference_freqRange provides the mean
                         spectral difference in a frequency range between
                         100Hz and 12kHz. "f" is a frequency vector

                         Optional: filterMode = true
                         Results struct with spectral difference averaged
                         over all spatial sampling points in dB
                         (20*log10) and for every of the 40 filter bands
                         ("specDiffPerBand"). Additionally,
                         "specDiffL_meanPerBand" returns the mean spectral
                         difference per band (mean per band of
                         specDiffPerBand), fc returns the center
                         frequencies of the auditory filterbank, and f
                         is a frequency vector.

 testHRIRdataset       - [N x M] array with HRIRs of the test HRIR
                         dataset, with N samples and M channels                       
 referenceHRIRdataset  - [N x M] array with HRIRs of the reference HRIR
                         dataset, with N samples and M channels  
 fs                    - Sampling Rate
                         Default: 48000
 FFToversize           - FFToversize rises the FFT Blocksize [default = 1]
                         A FFT of the blocksize (FFToversize*NFFT) is applied
                         to the time domain data,  where  NFFT is determinded
                         as the next power of two of the signalSize  which is
                         signalSize = (lastSample-firstSample).
 filterMode            - Filter mode true/false. Use auditory filterbank
                         with 40 bands (fLow = 50 Hz, fHigh = 20kHz)
                         Default: false
 plotResults          -  plotResults true/false. Simple plot...
                         Default: false

 Dependencies: Auditory Modeling Toolbox (AMT), if filterMode = true

 (C) 2018 by JMA, Johannes M. Arend
             TH Köln - University of Applied Sciences
             Institute of Communications Engineering
             Department of Acoustics and Audio Signal Processing


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 %% SUpDEq - Spatial Upsampling by Directional Equalization
0002 %
0003 % function results = supdeq_calcSpectralDifference_HRIR( testHRIRdataset, referenceHRIRdataset, fs, FFToversize, filterMode, plotResults)
0004 %
0005 % This function calculates the spectral differences between a test and a
0006 % reference HRTF dataset at given spatial sampling points
0007 %
0008 % Output:
0009 % results               - Results struct with spectral difference per
0010 %                         frequency and sampling point in dB (20*log10)
0011 %                         (specDifferencePerPoint), spectral
0012 %                         difference averaged over all spatial sampling
0013 %                         points in dB (specDifference) as well
0014 %                         as mean of specDifference in dB
0015 %                         --> Spectral difference averaged over all
0016 %                         spatial sampling points and frequencies
0017 %                         (meanSpecDifference). Additionally,
0018 %                         meanSpecDifference_freqRange provides the mean
0019 %                         spectral difference in a frequency range between
0020 %                         100Hz and 12kHz. "f" is a frequency vector
0021 %
0022 %                         Optional: filterMode = true
0023 %                         Results struct with spectral difference averaged
0024 %                         over all spatial sampling points in dB
0025 %                         (20*log10) and for every of the 40 filter bands
0026 %                         ("specDiffPerBand"). Additionally,
0027 %                         "specDiffL_meanPerBand" returns the mean spectral
0028 %                         difference per band (mean per band of
0029 %                         specDiffPerBand), fc returns the center
0030 %                         frequencies of the auditory filterbank, and f
0031 %                         is a frequency vector.
0032 %
0033 % Input:
0034 % testHRIRdataset       - [N x M] array with HRIRs of the test HRIR
0035 %                         dataset, with N samples and M channels
0036 % referenceHRIRdataset  - [N x M] array with HRIRs of the reference HRIR
0037 %                         dataset, with N samples and M channels
0038 % fs                    - Sampling Rate
0039 %                         Default: 48000
0040 % FFToversize           - FFToversize rises the FFT Blocksize [default = 1]
0041 %                         A FFT of the blocksize (FFToversize*NFFT) is applied
0042 %                         to the time domain data,  where  NFFT is determinded
0043 %                         as the next power of two of the signalSize  which is
0044 %                         signalSize = (lastSample-firstSample).
0045 % filterMode            - Filter mode true/false. Use auditory filterbank
0046 %                         with 40 bands (fLow = 50 Hz, fHigh = 20kHz)
0047 %                         Default: false
0048 % plotResults          -  plotResults true/false. Simple plot...
0049 %                         Default: false
0050 %
0051 % Dependencies: Auditory Modeling Toolbox (AMT), if filterMode = true
0052 %
0053 % (C) 2018 by JMA, Johannes M. Arend
0054 %             TH Köln - University of Applied Sciences
0055 %             Institute of Communications Engineering
0056 %             Department of Acoustics and Audio Signal Processing
0058 function results = supdeq_calcSpectralDifference_HRIR( testHRIRdataset, referenceHRIRdataset, fs, FFToversize, filterMode, plotResults)
0060 %Default sampling grid (Lebedev grid with 2702 nodes)
0061 if nargin < 3 || isempty(fs)
0062     fs = 48000;
0063 end
0065 if nargin < 4 || isempty(FFToversize)
0066     FFToversize = 1;
0067 end
0069 if nargin < 5 || isempty(filterMode)
0070     filterMode = false;
0071 end
0073 if nargin < 6
0074     plotResults = false;
0075 end
0077 %% Get NFFT based on number of samples in HRIR arrays and FFToversize
0078 NFFT = size(testHRIRdataset,1);
0079 if size(referenceHRIRdataset,1) > NFFT
0080     NFFT = size(referenceHRIRdataset,1);
0081 end
0083 NFFT    = (2^nextpow2(NFFT));
0084 if FFToversize > 1
0085     NFFT = NFFT*FFToversize;
0086 end
0087 %Get frequency vector
0088 f = linspace(0,fs/2,NFFT/2+1);
0090 if size(testHRIRdataset,2) ~= size(referenceHRIRdataset,2)
0091     error('Number of sampling points in both HRIR datasets must be equal!');
0092 end
0094 numPoints = size(testHRIRdataset,2);
0096 %% Filter mode off
0097 if ~filterMode
0099     %Transform HRIRs to frequency domain
0100     fprintf('Transforming 2 x %d HRIRs to frequency domain. This may take some time...\n',size(testHRIRdataset,2));
0101     HRTFs_Test  = abs(fft(testHRIRdataset,NFFT));
0102     HRTFs_Test  = HRTFs_Test(1:end/2+1,:); 
0103     HRTFs_Ref   = abs(fft(referenceHRIRdataset,NFFT)); 
0104     HRTFs_Ref   = HRTFs_Ref(1:end/2+1,:);
0106     %Calculate spectral difference
0107     disp('Calculating spectral differences...');
0108     specDiff = abs( 20*log10(abs(HRTFs_Ref)) - 20*log10(abs(HRTFs_Test)));
0109     specDiffPerPoint = specDiff;
0110     specDiff = sum(specDiff,2);
0111     specDiff = specDiff/numPoints;
0113     %Get values from 100Hz - 12 kHz
0114     lowBin  = round(size(f,2) / f(end) * 100) + 1;
0115     highBin = round(size(f,2) / f(end) * 12000) + 1; 
0117     %Write results struct
0118     results.specDifferencePerPoint          = specDiffPerPoint;        
0119     results.specDifference                  = specDiff;
0120     results.meanSpecDifference              = mean(results.specDifference);
0121     results.meanSpecDifference_freqRange    = mean(results.specDifference(lowBin:highBin,:));
0122     results.f                               = f;
0124     disp('Done with calculation of spectral differences...');
0126     if plotResults
0127         figure;
0128         semilogx(results.f,results.specDifference(:,1),'k','LineWidth',1.5);
0129         grid on;
0130         xlim([20,20000]);
0131         xlabel('Frequency [Hz]');
0132         ylabel('Spectral difference [dB]');
0133     end
0135 end
0137 %% Filter mode on
0138 if filterMode
0140     %Transform HRIRs to 3D array
0141     HRIRs_Test  = zeros(size(testHRIRdataset,1), 1, numPoints);
0142     HRIRs_Ref   = zeros(size(referenceHRIRdataset,1), 1, numPoints);
0144     %Kind of a workaround, but 4-D arrays needed later....
0145     HRIRs_Test(:,1,:)   = reshape(testHRIRdataset,[size(HRIRs_Test,1),1,size(HRIRs_Test,3)]);
0146     HRIRs_Ref(:,1,:)    = reshape(referenceHRIRdataset,[size(HRIRs_Ref,1),1,size(HRIRs_Ref,3)]); 
0148     %Zero-pad to 512 samples (if length is smaller) to get higher frequency
0149     %resolution. This only works if HRIRs_Test and HRIRs_Ref have equal
0150     %length!
0151     if NFFT < 512
0152         newLength = 512;
0153     else
0154         newLength = NFFT;
0155     end
0156     zeroPad = zeros(newLength-size(HRIRs_Test,1),1,numPoints);
0157     HRIRs_Test  = [HRIRs_Test;zeroPad];
0158     HRIRs_Ref   = [HRIRs_Ref;zeroPad];
0159     %Calc f needed later for results struct
0160     f = linspace(0,fs/2,newLength/2+1);
0162     %Filter HRIRs with auditory filter bank (settings lead to 40 bands)
0163     %Output is a 4D array with [samples X filterBand x channel x
0164     %samplingPoint]
0165     disp('Applying auditory filter bank. This may take some time...');
0166     HRIRs_Test_filt = auditoryfilterbank(HRIRs_Test,fs,'flow',50,'fhigh',20000);
0167     [HRIRs_Ref_filt,fc]  = auditoryfilterbank(HRIRs_Ref,fs,'flow',50,'fhigh',20000);
0168     disp('Done with filtering...');
0170     %Perform FFT
0171     disp('Calculating spectral differences...');
0172     HRTFs_Test_filt = fft(HRIRs_Test_filt);
0173     HRTFs_Test_filt = HRTFs_Test_filt(1:size(HRTFs_Test_filt,1)/2+1,:,:,:);
0174     HRTFs_Ref_filt  = fft(HRIRs_Ref_filt);
0175     HRTFs_Ref_filt = HRTFs_Ref_filt(1:size(HRTFs_Ref_filt,1)/2+1,:,:,:);
0177     %Calculate spectral difference for each band
0178     specDiff = squeeze(abs(20*log10(abs(HRTFs_Ref_filt(:,:,1,:))) - 20*log10(abs(HRTFs_Test_filt(:,:,1,:)))));
0179     specDiffPerPoint = specDiff;
0180     %Average across spatial sampling points
0181     specDiff = sum(specDiff,3);
0182     for i = 1:size(specDiff,2)
0183         specDiff(:,i) = specDiff(:,i)/numPoints;
0184     end
0185     %Get mean per band
0186     for i = 1:size(specDiff,2)
0187         specDiff_meanPerBand(i,:) = mean(specDiff(:,i));
0188     end
0190     %Write results struct
0191     results.specDiffPerPoint        = specDiffPerPoint; 
0192     results.specDiffPerBand         = specDiff;
0193     results.specDiff_meanPerBand    = specDiff_meanPerBand;
0194     results.fc                      = fc;
0195     results.f                       = f;
0197     disp('Done with calculation of spectral differences...');
0199     if plotResults
0200         figure;
0201         semilogx(results.fc,results.specDiff_meanPerBand,'k','LineWidth',1.5);
0202         grid on;
0203         xlim([20,20000]);
0204         xlabel('Frequency [Hz]');
0205         ylabel('Spectral Difference [dB]');
0206     end
0208 end
0211 end

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